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    ponedjeljak, 21. studenoga 2016.

    Japan’s Lapras Event has been immediately stopped due to Tsunami warning in Fukushima and Iwate!

    Japan’s Lapras Event has been immediately stopped due to Tsunami warning in Fukushima and Iwate!

    We encourage all players to send prayers to Japan as soon as possible!

    Japan is in the middle of a natural disaster crisis after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast. We urge all players to please pray for Japan in their time of need. Japan is not shy to these natural disasters as they’ve had a history of tsunami’s and earthquakes in the past.

    Japan happens to be the Pokemon Capital of the world while also being one of the most beautiful places to live. Japan was currently going though a spawn buff that allowed trainers to catch Lapras nearly anywhere with an increased spawn rate that topped our Halloween event’s spawns and even the double spawn.
    A’lot of trainers would prefer a specific Pokemon spawn to happen in their countries which we’ve noticed from feedback.

    The earthquake was originally settled as a 6.9 and shortly raised to 7.4 on the richter scale as the day went on. There is word that this earthquake is an aftershock of the 2011 magnitude 9 earthquake. As of now we’ve heard that the warning as been lifted, we can only hope that Japan will be fine and all civilians who’ve evacuated will be able to return home safe and sound.

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