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    utorak, 29. studenoga 2016.

    Pokemon GO Christmas event secrets revealed

    Niantic’s December update is rumored to be a legendary event doozy, bringing more than just the expected Christmas-week event bonuses. To prepare for the events that’ll be taking place over the next month, we’ve been told by our trusty anonymous tipster to tell readers to stock up on Pidgeys. Not just because Pidgey is the most common source for Ditto, but because Pidgey is the most effective source for XP in the whole Pokemon GO universe.

    Christmas will be an event that’ll be more akin to the Pokemon GO Halloween event than Thanksgiving. While the Thanksgiving-time Pokemon GO Celebration event was great for XP and Stardust bonuses, it’s the more-common odd Pokemon we’re excited about. With Christmas and the other year-end holidays in full effect, several not-often-common Pokemon have been tipped to appear.

    The following Pokemon are under consideration for appearing more commonly than normal. While they may not end up making the cut, as it was for Thanksgiving, they may well appear with the commonality that Ghost Types were during Halloween. Watch for the following near the last two weeks of the year.

    • Staryu
    • Starme
    • Clefairy
    • Clefable
    • Seel
    • Dewgong
    • Snorlax

    While there are plenty of holiday-friendly Pokemon available in the Pokemon X and Pokemon Y generations, it’s only the next 100 that’ll come with the game’s next update. Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver have very few monsters that fit the holiday theme. It’s still undecided whether Niantic will pull the trigger on Generation 2 before the end of this year.

    Winter is coming for more than just the northern-most regions of the world, and it’s getting cold outside. As such, walking great distances will become more of a burden to the everyday Pokemon GO trainer. To combat the effects of winter on the general population, Niantic will likely reduce the distance required to walk for Buddy Pokemon during the holiday break event.

    As we discussed before the Thanksgiving event, Niantic’s intent with future events will be solidified with the most Turkey-laden of days. Niantic has made it their mission to make the most of every holiday made official by public schools across the United States. As such, the end of the year could rack up a double-event.

    Schools in the United States generally take one week off at the end of the year – one week at LEAST. Niantic is sure to take advantage of this free time by having a week-long event with double XP and double Stardust. They might also take this opportunity to release the three Legendary Pokemon birds yet to see the light of day.

    If these three Legendary bird Pokemon appear during the holiday break, they’ll likely pop up as gifts to Pokemon players on each of the three Pokemon GO teams. Similar to how Pokemon pop up at the beginning of the game on the map regardless of the location of the player, these three Legendary bird Pokemon will follow – one of three, that is to say. This release has yet to be officially confirmed.

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