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    subota, 4. studenoga 2017.

    Raids have changed! Full list of new Raids!

    as you may be aware, the bosses that are encountered within each of the Raid Levels have changed, adding new Raid Bosses and removing the old ones.
    We’ll bring you full guides on each of the Tier 3 and 4 Bosses tomorrow, while for now, we’ve prepared a list of the new bosses.

    New Level 1 Bosses
    • Ivysaur – CP 5238
    • Metapod – CP 1534
    • Charmeleon – CP 5038
    • Wartortle – CP 4503
    New Level 2 Bosses
    • Magneton – CP 14172
    • Sableye – CP 8266
    • Sandslash – CP 12312
    • Tentacruel – CP 12190
    • Marowak – CP 9891
    • Cloyster – CP 15678
    New Level 3 Bosses
    • Ninetales – CP 14914
    • Scyther – CP 17358
    • Omastar – CP 18915
    • Porygon – CP 11419
    New Level 4 Bosses
    • Poliwrath – CP 24247
    • Victrebell – CP 23780
    • Golem – CP 30572
    • Nidoking – CP 24873
    • Nidoqueen – CP 23216
    Evidently the rarest bosses are the best ones, so we suggest you go for the Golem (Legendary Killer), Omastar (a beast in disguise) and Porygon (great future potential). We are still figuring out all the ins and outs of the new system and should have a full report by tomorrow morning, but as of now, it’s official: the raids have changed, time to farm that Golem.
    We expect the majority of new Tier 1 and 2, possibly Tier 3 Bosses to be absolutely soloable, while we have doubts about some of the Tier 4 bosses. Luckily, it seems that the Raid Boss CP formula hasn’t changed at all.
    As usual, when capturing the boss, the encounter will present a Level 20 Pokémon with varying IV values. Good luck!

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