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    četvrtak, 17. studenoga 2016.

    Pokemon Go : Does Your Team Depict Which Legendary Bird You Can Catch? Are We Limited?

    Hello Pokemon and Pokemon Go fans and welcome to another article by me, Salim. Im here today to discuss another theory regarding the status and availability of the Legendary birds in the first generation of Pokemon.

    Now to begin with, when we all reached level 5 and was given the opportunity to pick a team I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just based on color or the leader. Needless to say, majority of us saw the birds right away and that was what made us make our decision.

    The colors represented the Legendary birds, Moltres (Valor), Articuno (Mystic), and Zapados (Instinct). So with that said that begs the question regarding the birds. Are we limited to catching ONLY the bird that we are assigned a team to? OR are we going to get the chance to catch the others. Or does this determine the first bird we will be able to catch?

    In addition, this plausible discussion raises these questions and more. Its something we should consider regarding the Legendary birds because we haven’t received any information about them.

    However I could be totally wrong and the teams have nothing to do with it. The teams could just be represented to give us something to team up as a community and bring people together. Defining it as something that will connect to the birds though is something still possible and ill keep an open mind for it.

    With that said, what do you all think about this? Do you believe they are connected and we should consider our options for whoever Niantic releases information? Thanks for reading and ill see you all in another article soon!

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