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    četvrtak, 15. prosinca 2016.

    Sniper Elite 4 Let's You Kill Hitler This Christmas

    If Battlefield 1 transports you to the horrors and action of World War 1, Sniper Elite 4 wants to up the ante by allowing you to come face to face with one of the most feared historical figures of World War II and kill him.

    Sniper Elite 4 has released a new trailer called Target: Fuhrer campaign where the main character is (surprise) Adolf Hitler. As the title suggests, your main mission is to kill Hitler and stop him from wreaking more havoc and killing people.

    Sniper Elite 4 will be released on Feb. 14, 2017 so you'll have a chance to kill the Nazi Fuhrer on Valentine's Day. However, if your hands are itching and you want to get ahead of the game before everyone else does in February, you can pre-order the game and you have this campaign as bonus. Target: Fuhrer will be released as a DLC along with the game.

    Killing Hitler is not new in the Sniper game titles. In Sniper 3, players were given the chance to kill the Nazi dictator in the "Hunt for the Grey Wolf" DLC where he was stationed at a camp in Tobuk. This time, you will be given another chance to take down the Fuhrer but instead of a camp, he will be in a U-boat full of Nazi guards. This means you will have a lot of range shots but less places to hide.

    Sniper Elite 4 continues the World War Two heritage of the game series. This time, covert agent and elite marksman Karl Fairburne will be in Italy to help the Italian Resistance fighters to help free Italy from the clutches of Fascism. If Fairburne fails in his mission, D-Day landing nor the Victory in Europe will not happen.

    Sniper Elite 4 will be released on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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