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    ponedjeljak, 16. siječnja 2017.

    Simple hack to Pause Pokemon Go !!

    So hey there folks, how are you guys doing these days.It’s pretty cold out there in most of the parts of the world.So it’s pretty difficult to keep continuously tapping the screen while gymming.Well we have finally found the “pause button”

    Yes, folks, you heard that right people have found the pause button in Pokemon Go.Well technically speaking it’s not a button.But still it still just works like one.To pause gym fight you simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen in iOS to open the control center and in Android you just simply hit the recent app button and then tap the home button, to keep the game running in the background.

    Though it is important to note that you should do it after you beat an opponent Pokemon in the gym.Doing so will suspend all game interactions, including the next defender being released and attacks by defenders.

    If you use this hack while the timer is counting down on an undefeated gym foe, the enemy Pokemon will not attack you, but this effect will only last for 99 seconds.

    This function can be pretty useful at times as this could be used to pause other in-game animations as well like evolutions, hatch animations, and pretty much anything.Although there is one hiccup, though, it is not possible to pause the Lucky egg and incense timer using this hack.

    Both lucky egg and incense timers are based on real world clocks so that’s a bummer.Well, at least that wouldn’t stop people from pidgey grinding to level up.

    Anyways guys that’s a quick update from our side.Hope you will find this hack pretty useful in time, test it out and let us know about it.

    Have something more to add to this story? let’s discuss!!

    Anyways guys, have fun out there catching Pokemon and never pogo and drive.

    While you are over here please drop us a like and check out other exciting articles on all things anime and have a wonderful day.If you have any queries/issues you want to get addressed hit us up over here we would be more than happy to help.

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