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    subota, 19. studenoga 2016.

    Pokemon Go: Some people’s market prices have increased

    We are unsure if this is a glitch or if Pokemon Go is experimenting with regional pricing, but altered marketplace prices are definitely happening. To be clear, this is about gold purchasing and not purchasing of items (i.e., how much it costs to purchase coins has increased). Multiple people have supplied screenshots and some parts of Reddit are exploding with rage (aka they’re acting like normal Reddit-users) — although, in this case we will cut them slack because they have a right to be upset since Niantic has boasted about how their market strategy extends generous marketplace prices.

    Reddit user Rosemary505 began a discussion about an increase in their local market prices and supplemented it with a picture (1US$=7,05HRK):

    Reddit user Bert0ld0, from Italy, also supplied the following screenshot:

    Reddit user Markislav provided a potential explanation:

    “Coins cost that much in Australian dollars, looks like a bug causing you guys from other countries to see our prices for some reason.”

    As of now, we do not know whether Niantic is truly playing with regional pricing or if this related to glitches from the recent update that was released. Either way, I reside in America and do not see a difference in my personal marketplace.

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